▶️ 🇭🇰2023 Hong Kong Service Brand Awards ◀️

The “Hong Kong Service Brand Awards” organized by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council and the Federation of Hong Kong Industries aim to recognize outstanding brands established by Hong Kong companies. It serves to inspire local businesses to strive for excellence and enhance the visibility of Hong Kong products and services. This, in turn, strengthens the recognition of Hong Kong brands among various sectors of society, overseas businesses, and consumers.
Marche Print is immensely proud to have participated in the awards for the first time and to have been selected as a “Hong Kong Service Brand,” solidifying our position as a trusted brand in the printing industry.
Being recognized as a “Hong Kong Service Brand” is a source of pride for Marche Print, and we are committed to continuing to drive brand development forward! 💪🏻

In addition to being awarded the “Hong Kong Service Brand,” we have also received the following accolades:
·ISO9001 / ISO14001 / ISO27001
·G7 Master / FSC
·2023 Hong Kong Top Service Brand Awards
·Hong Kong ESG Awards 2023 – SME: Special Awards
·Hong Kong Awards For Environmental Excellence (HKAEE) – SME (Construction, Manufacturing, and Industrial Service): Bronze
·Reddot Design Awards – Packaging Design: Winner 2023
·HKSDA 2021 – Corporate: Gold
·HKSDA 2023 – Corporate: Merit
·31st GAA Print Awards: Champion / Merit
·32nd GAA Print Awards: Gold / Bronze
·33rd GAA Print Awards: Gold / Silver
·34th GAA Print Awards: Silver
Stay connected with us on social media for the latest updates👇🏻
Facebook: http://bit.ly/3OCBuV1
Instagram: https://bit.ly/496lmTq
#香港廠房 #香港生產 #香港製造 #madeinhongkong #marcheprint #marcheprinthk #萬智印刷 #marcheproject #2023HongKongServiceBrandAwards